Last Tuesday, the Indian High Court voted that a Delhi woman has the right to abortion her 7-month-old baby, despite doctor's previous refusal. One of our Indian leaders is in touch with a Canadian couple who has offered to adopt the baby (which may have disabilities). At the moment another leader is calling pastors in Delhi to see if they can reach this woman before she aborts her child. Please pray earnestly. This baby's life is on the line.
There's a lot going on and often it's hard to share it all, but here's a few other updates and prayer requests.
Israel: The Messianic Jewish pro-life ministry in Israel has been seeking to engage young people. After our meeting, they caught the vision to disciple young people to lead for life, but need a volunteer to lead the effort. Please pray that if God wants this to happen, the person who He has appointed for the effort will answer His call!
Tanzania: Although abortion is not currently legal in Tanzania, the US government is pressuring the Tanzanian government to legalize it. "So we must act quickly!" said Glorious, the leader of a maternity home/vocational training program, orphanage, and school in Tanzania. Please pray that God raises up the leaders who he wants to head this initiative in Tanzania!
Mexico: We spoke on Monday with Rodrigo who is leading the only official pro-life university group in the country. Pray for courage and boldness for their team as they plan impactful events for next semester to reach their peers with
the message of life!
Guatemala: pray for renewed passion and courage among the leaders of the ten pro-life university groups we helped to start in the spring.
Uganda: schools have been shut down throughout the country due to cases of Ebola. The rising prices of food and necessities like soap are raising the costs of tuition and making it difficult for families to afford to send their children to school. But we're grateful that one of our board members is traveling this week to Uganda to host together with our national leader Richard Sempala three pro-life student camps, one with current leaders and two with students to start new school groups. Richard is also building a camp for pregnant girls who have been kicked out of their homes. Please pray for the camps to be impactful both for now and eternity and provision for all of God's plans.
Our Team: recently God has called several new volunteers to join, serving in areas ranging from accounting to social media! We truly serve a good God. That said, some of our new team members have experienced extreme spiritual attack and discouragement once they've answered God's call to serve. This is a reminder that the evil one doesn't want us to disciple others and build His kingdom. Please pray for spiritual protection and that God would clearly show us the spiritual attacks for what they are, so that we can to fight them with the power and blood of Christ!
Thank you for saying YES to God and his call to build HIS kingdom of hope, life, and truth in the world.